Food Freedom = Responsibility

October 10, 2024
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. I’ll try to do better. There is so much that is going on around food freedom and the desire to get back to a healthy diet with less processed foods, less eating out and more control over the sources of our food. RFK JR made big headlines when he hosted a food round table with many doctors, influencers and citizens. I listened intently to what many of them said and in fact agreed with many of their ideas. But there seemed to still be a lot of finger pointing. Big AG and Big Food and Big Pharma are all boogey men to be mad at and scared of. IT was as if no one has any choices. You do. Furthermore you have lots of choices!

One of the things that was mentioned much in that round table was the term “farm Bill” many guests pointed to the economic incentive’s of the farm bill to grow corn soybeans and wheat. It is true that the farm bill does support that and it does have it’s tentacles into many aspects of agriculture. When I was a commercial dairyman I waited every month to find out how much my monthly subsidy check would be as the market price was often far below my cost of production. So yes they influenced my farming practices so I could reap the greatest benefit from the system. I thought I had no choice. Like 3 generations of farmers before me, this was what we knew. Tell the government your farming practices how many acres of what crop you planted how many total pounds of milk you sell every year the list was endless and for the information and the adherence to the rules we would get a check. If you stayed in the box you would continue to get the check. IF you didn’t, well, you lost out.

I realized in the fall of 2022 that the government was through their use of a myriad of farm groups influencing me more than I liked. I broke away from the system and jumped head long into finding a new market. a market of freedom. A market of choice. A market of accountability to real people whose rules were clearly defined and easily identified. The responsible consumer! This person looks at the world through a lens of sustainability and personal health. This discerning consumer understands we are what we eat and we are impacted by how what we eat is grown and raised. There is a purpose of all life and on our farm we want to honor the life purpose of a cow to give milk, offspring, and meat. Our pigs are given that same opportunity to express their “glory” and we enjoy the pigness of a pig! Just as trees sustain us by taking CO2 out of the air and giving us life sustaining oxygen the cow gives milk to sustain us. IT is a marvelous creation we are allowed to be involved in and we hope you can trust us to be your source for nutritious dairy products, beef and pork. All raised the way our grandparents did. We take our freedom to produce for you with great responsibility. You invite our hard work into your house to sweeten your coffee, wetting your cereal or enjoying a cold glass of our creamy milk and we thank you for that. Enjoy and as always ask us any questions you would like!

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